Become a VFW Member! We'd love to have you To be eligible to join the VFW, a person must be a U.S. citizen who has served in the military honorably in an overseas conflict and received a campaign medal for overseas service. Post 7555 Auxiliary The Auxiliary's main purpose is to serve the veteran and his or her family whenever and wherever possible and to assist the Post with its special events and numerous functions. New members are always welcome! Auxiliary Members must be citizens of the United States or a United States National, and at least 16 years old. Those eligible are: Husband/Wife * Widower/Widow * Father/Mother Grandfathers/Grandmothers * Sons/Daughters Grandsons/Granddaughters * Brothers/Sisters Of persons who were or are eligible for membership in the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States. VFW Auxiliary National website |
Post Officers 2024-2025
Commander Mark Schutta Sr Vice Commander Dan Thomson Jr Vice Commander Michael Johnson Quartermaster Krystal Schmidt Adjutant Krystal Schmidt Service Officer Sean Gustafson Chaplain Joseph Dynes Judge Advocate Dennis Coslett Surgeon Molly Evans 1 Year Trustee Doug Setley 2 Year Trustee William Dier 3 Year Trustee Jim Hartman ************************************** CONTACTS Chaplain - Joseph Dynes in reference to illness or death of a member Service Officer - Sean Gustafson Information about VFW or Government matters Color Guard - Contact: 612-751-9918 regarding Color Guard presence at events |
Auxiliary Officers 2022 to 2023
President Jack Hansen Sr Vice Jen Langland Jr Vice Pam Stokes Secretary Sue Terry Treasurer Joy Brown Chaplain Charles Ryan Conductress Penny Wilson Guard Diane Cloutier Trustee#1 Tamara Schutta Trustee #2 Cindy Hartman Trustee #3 Pam Stokes **************************** Roseville Anderson-Nelson VFW Post #7555 Auxiliary AUXILIARY CONTACTS Chaplain - Charles Ryan regarding illness or death of a member President - Contact: 651-483-5313 request for Funeral Lunch Request MUST be on behalf of a Post / Auxiliary Member Community Service Contact for any service or volunteering |
Club Manager
Kelly Kunza-Pierce 651-483-5313 or Post 7555 Meeting 3rd Tuesday of each month 7:00pm ----------------------------------- Auxiliary Meeting 3rd Tuesday of each month 7:00pm |